Humphrey gives Stuart failing grade

Constituency office officially opens

Bring it on!
That’s the challenge issued by Barbados Labour Party St. Michael South candidate Kirk Humphrey to incumbent and Prime Minister, Freundel Stuart.

Speaking during the official opening ceremony of his branch office at Culloden Road on Monday evening, Humphrey criticized Stuart’s representation in the constituency, saying “absentee representation” must come to an end in Barbados. He said Stuart purports that he is a “big day race horse”, the race for the constituency will not be easy.

“This idea that you can govern a people by proxy. That you don’t have to show up to serve. That for everything you can send in a man, when you feel like. Or that under duress and pressure you can perhaps get Urban to respond by proxy, and that you show no personal interest in the affairs of the people.”

He said the young people are fed up of this kind of leadership and representation. “We want a new model of leadership, we need a people-centred kind of leadership. A leadership that will understand what it take to mobilize people around difficult challenges. So that as a collective we can resolve the complex issues that face this country. If Mia is not the person to do so then nobody is,” he said.

Humphrey told party faithful that it is his belief that even with little resources, a lot can be done if it is done with love. He stated that the community can be built through partnership. “And people have to know they are a value. When you treat people as if they are a thing of value, they will return that love,” he said.

Promising to give his heart and soul to improve the lot of the people of the constituency, he said he like many Barbadians are worried about the country. “If you are not worried about your country regardless of which side of the political divide you choose to sit, then I tell you, you should be worried about the country.”

“Why should sewage be flowing on streets of Barbados. And when you ask about it – why should the response be – that I have seen sewage in Florida. This is not Florida, this is Barbados and that is not the standard by which Barbados must judge itself,” he charged.

“You have to worry about your country because this country that we love has now received the most amount of downgrades for any country in such a short period of time. About 21 downgrades.”

“We are now struggling to pay our bills. You have to worry about your country because your pension is under threat. And that which was secure for you is no longer secure. Your parents cannot rest at night because they do not know if their pension is secured. The Prime Minister has said nothing stops him from sleeping at night,” Humphrey argued.

“You have to worry when your garbage is not collected. When your child is not collected because the government has seen it fit not to pay for buses. And then suggest the reason they don’t have buses on the road is because the buses are old. As if the buses got old when the BLP was in Office.”

“Every single sector you can look at and realize it has gotten worse in the last ten years. And they wish to lay the rot at the feet of the BLP.”

While thanking the persons who helped to refurbish the constituency office from a deplorable state, Humphrey gave the assurance that the renovated facility will be used as a people’s empowerment centre to ensure that persons can be trained. “It may be my office by name, but it will be the people’s office by design. That is the way we are going to rebuild this community,” he said, assuring that he will be giving a report card in 2 023 of the activities carried out in St. Michael South when he returns as the Member of Parliament. (JH)

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