BLP march to encourage Gov’t action on key issues

While all systems are go for the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) ‘Step Up If Yuh Fed Up’ march and rally on Saturday, General Secretary of the BLP, Dr. Jerome Walcott, is saying that the initiative is not a move to force the ruling party out of power, but rather to encourage Government to take needed steps to correct serious issues affecting the country.

Speaking to the media during a site visit at Jubilee Gardens, yesterday, Dr. Walcott said the protest march and rally is an effort to get the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) to take action as it relates to creating an environment that results in the betterment of society. He also noted, that it is being held on the eve of the Estimates debate, which starts next week, in an effort to entreat Government to modify their policies, especially, to address the current financial climate.
It was also revealed that the march is the Opposition’s way of expressing disgust about the country’s economic status, state of the roads, poor garbage collection, housing and healthcare related issues, along with the general feeling of “apathy” and “helplessness” in the society.

“We are merely providing a democratic way for them to vent their feelings. If it comes that persons later want us to do more in terms of having more demonstrations and try to bring a pressure on the Government so that we can encourage them to, first of all change their outlook, and, allow them to start responding to the concerns of the citizens, that is our aim. Our [aim] is not trying to remove a government that has been democratically elected. That has never been the policy of the Barbados Labour Party and never will be,” Dr. Walcott said.

The march is expected to move off from Jubilee Gardens around 4:30 p.m., move through various areas of the City and return to the starting point, where members of the BLP will deliver speeches.

Members of the public will also be given the opportunity to have their say during the rally, if they wish.

Vendors are also being given the opportunity to ply their trade along the route, and Dr. Walcott said Police officers and private security personnel will be in attendance to ensure that people can express their opinions in a peaceful setting, without any threats or disturbances.

“The concept of marching with placards is not new, it is a democratic right. So all of you would have seen on CNN and MSNBC what is happening in the United States where persons are expressing their feelings about Trump and the new government which was just recently elected. Similarly, in Barbados, persons will be doing the same thing, expressing their feelings and their disgust in a very peaceful and democratic way, which is their right. Along the route there will also be water stations, but we expect at that time of the evening that it will be cool,” he said.

The General Secretary also indicated that the BLP’s event is not going to clash with the ‘Life in Leggings Reclaim Our Streets’ March, also scheduled to take place on Saturday, as participants will be leaving Queen’s Park around 3 p.m., and returning to that venue. (AH)

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