EDITORIAL -Vision and faith integral to success

Once you can see it and you believe it, you can achieve it.

This bit of advice has served many well throughout time. In essence, it refers to one attaining success by having a plan for the future that is backed by belief in the goal. It is important to note here that vision and faith are equally crucial to achieving one’s goals, however having a dream and belief that is not grounded in rational principles is tantamount to living in a fool’s paradise and will result in absolute failure.

For many, true success comes in the business arena and entrepreneurs, who are not limited by a set salary, have a greater opportunity to achieve financial success.
However, entrepreneurs must take care that their enthusiasm in their dreams and desires are grounded firmly in a wise, researched vision for the future and not simply a wish to cash in quickly on a perceived money-making machine. As such, a business plan and schedule of attainable goals is a must.

The business arena is only one sphere of life where vision and faith work together to bring about success. Sports is another area where this rings true. Athletes at the top of their game strive to reach the pinnacle of success in their field – winning an Olympic gold medal – and again the importance of faith comes into play. In a field where physical abilities are very nearly matched, and training and commitment to the sport are on similar levels, it is faith in one’s abilities that may make the difference in winning or losing. At this point, intimidation, nerves and wariness of past mistakes all bear down on an athlete’s psyche, but an overriding belief in oneself will go a long way toward winning a gold medal.

In just about every aspect of life that one can consider, vision and faith are integral to success. In terms of our country, these two elements will play a major part in its governance in the future. General Elections in Barbados have been set for May 24th and, until that day, a number of political parties and independent candidates will endeavour to show Barbadians that they have a better vision for our country. Already the Barbados Labour Party has launched its People’s Manifesto; the United Progressive Party has outlined its objectives and proposals for an Creative Economy; and Solutions Barbados says it wants to reform the tax system in the country; with the Democratic Labour Party set to unveil its own manifesto tomorrow.

It will be left to the voting public to decide which party will gain its faith in their ability to lead this nation through a sticky economic situation. It is also the public’s
responsibility to listen and discern what visions and beliefs are grounded in rational principles and what are simply promises made to comfort fools. With God’s grace, a clear vision and faith in the democratic process, next Thursday will see Barbados on the road to betterment.

Barbados Advocate

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