EDITORIAL: More men need to get health checks

Reports are that more men in Barbados are stepping forward to get health checks, but of course, the numbers could always be better.

According to Cancer Support Services (CSS), 500 men were screened for prostate cancer in 2019, given that more men are becoming aware of the importance of early detection in the cancer fight. This positive move has also been linked, according to reports, to heightened public awareness campaigns about prostate cancer and the need to take the Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) test.

Now this is a far cry from reports just a few years ago, where it was noted that men were shying away from various health checks. However, this is just a drop in the bucket, where the numbers are concerned. Men have heard time and time again that they should be getting regular medical check-ups, to ensure that they are staying healthy and to also pick up on early warning signs of illness. Doctors can easily detect many illnesses in their early stages, such as cardiovascular (heart) disease, diabetes and some cancers. Yet, many men have been refusing to go near a doctor’s office, until it is sadly, too late.

For many men, the dreaded health check is the Digital Rectal Exam for Prostate Cancer Screening. Doctors use the digital rectal exam (DRE) as a relatively simple test to check the prostate, by inserting a gloved, lubricated finger into the rectum. Of course, most men will tell you that they are never, ever stepping into a male doctor’s office for such a check and they will tell you why as well. Some men somehow think that they will somehow become less of a man, if they get such a check. However, as men get older and as they get a few health scares here and there, their perspective about life and critical health checks do change at times and as such, we are seeing a change in how men approach this whole business of health checks, especially screening for prostate cancer.

Cancer is not the only issue our males need to get tested for. We know here in Barbados as well, that many men are succumbing to end-stage kidney disease. It is said that diabetes and hypertension are often contributing factors and as such, men should take their health a lot more seriously. Too many men are overweight as well, or even obese. We also cannot forget the need to have testing for HIV and AIDS carried out as well. Thus, the onus is not only on women to go forward and get checked for various ailments or illnesses, but men must be more proactive in taking care of themselves.

Now it is a well-known fact that chronic non-communicable diseases account for 80 per cent of total deaths in Barbados. Further, it is said that one-quarter of adult Barbadians have a chronic non-communicable disease and this statistic is expected to rise to one-third by 2030. Therefore, armed with the knowledge that chronic non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and hypertension are on the rise, certainly, men should take advantage of various health fairs around the country, to get some free testing done. This is one way of keeping up to date with their health as well, without having to dip into their pockets.

So if you are male, albeit if you are afraid of needles and syringes, muster some strength and go get your health checks. These checks could save your life.

Barbados Advocate

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