Put in the time and reap the rewards


Too often, we have had occasion to lament the apparent decline in ethics, values and traditions of societies across the world, and especially here at home. Recently, news reports about people who found themselves in trouble with the law and financially because of ‘quick fix schemes’ they engineered, have shown the state of our society. Reports emerged about fraudulent scams, while some just engaged in outright theft to maintain lifestyles that had spiralled well out of their control. There is yet another sub-set of persons who live beyond their means and when conditions become unfavourable to the kind of lifestyle to which they have become accustomed, they resort to complaints and blame whomever they deem responsible for their ‘predicament’.
Barbadians are advised from time to time to live lifestyles that accommodate our situation, since living above our means can only lead to unmanageable debt. The cost of goods and services has risen marginally and oil prices have started to rise again, hence we are not experiencing the relief that we have in recent months. However, once we apply common-sense measures to our daily lives, we can ride out this storm. 
The stories in the media seem to be a reflection of how this yearning for luxurious lifestyles is quickly spinning out of control. There were court reports in recent weeks of a teenaged man who allegedly shot a woman in the process of robbing another person, while just last month, two Eastern European men were held in connection with an ATM skimming scam. Such is the desperation to live ‘richer’ lives without putting in the right kind of hard work.
One of the main issues here is the fact that the media, social media and the Internet generally highlight and glorify the luxurious lives of those who are successful rather than how hard they had to work to achieve their lifestyle. Celebrities like Rihanna, Jay-Z and even Lewis Hamilton are usually seen enjoying the fruits of their labour but the hours and ‘blood, sweat and tears’ involved are usually a matter of research. Therefore, the emphasis is being placed on the short time in which they amassed their wealth, but not on the burdens they had to bear.
These examples notwithstanding, it is instructive to note that when we examine the progress of some of the world’s most prosperous citizens, a common thread is the tireless hours of work that they have put in to reach those heights. Oprah Winfrey, queen of daytime talk shows, is an excellent example. Born in poverty to two teenage parents, she was raised by her grandmother on farmland. Her first job was at a grocery store. Warren Buffet, commonly acknowledged as one of the world’s most successful businessmen, admits to living in a relatively modest home and driving a car purchased in the 1930’s.
Barbados has it’s own share of success stories. Several local businessmen have catapulted themselves to success by dint of hard work.
It is obvious that there needs to be a renewed focus, primarily by parents, on a positive and healthy work ethic for our young citizens. No longer should we accept that spirit of entitlement and indifference so often
displayed by persons in the workforce. The results of ‘get rich quick’ schemes are often transitory, and should be recognised as such. More attention needs to be paid to raising our personal standards and performance if we are to ensure our future success.

Barbados Advocate

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