Our country has much to offer


Barbadians should be in love with their country. 
Without a doubt, this 166-square mile slice of paradise has many areas that one should embrace for their health.
Just look at the thousands of tourists that head here every year to enjoy what we have to offer, some so often that they should be given honorary Barbadian passports.
However, I find that we do not take full advantage of what so many visitors spend thousands of dollars to enjoy.
For example, take the beach. Ask any five locals when was the last time they went for a dip and the majority will tell you that it has been months, or in some cases, years since they enjoyed our waters. One lady told me that she has not been in eight years!! Eight years? How is this possible on an island surrounded by water, I asked myself. 
However, remember the old adage that the ‘sea has no backdoor’? Undoubtedly, this has led to a reluctance for Barbadians to learn how to swim, much less head to the beach.
Once, I too had this attitude, but after having to pass and see the warm, beautiful turquoise waters sparkling off the south and west coasts several times while heading to assignments, I stopped longing to go and made it a must on my off days. I have taken this attitude with my daughter, who has been going to the beach every Sunday since she turned one, and as a result, two and a half years later, she joyfully swims back and forth with mummy and daddy acting as barriers, sometimes to her great annoyance.
My colleagues have jokingly said that I cannot possibly be a Bajan and be at the beach so often. In fact, Janelle Husbands has informed me that I suffer from the condition thalassomania. Well, I am proud to say that I do, especially since sinus congestion and resulting headaches are washed away in these warm waters.
Maybe it is this addiction to the sea that draws me to the Richard Haynes Boardwalk every morning to walk as well. This facility is a wonderful one for walkers, strollers and 
joggers, but again I do not see many locals there taking advantage of this. Meanwhile, visitors take the opportunity to walk along, exercise and take pictures and videos of our south coast to show off to jealous friends back home. I am sure the same can be said about the west coast boardwalk as well.
It is heart-warming to see that higher numbers of Barbadians can be seen taking advantage of our national parks however, but yet still many of these remain relatively quiet on evenings and on weekends, but are packed to capacity on bank holidays. Why wait until we have an extra day off to take advantage of these facilities? We should be using these green spaces as much as possible, instead of being stuck in our houses behind various screens, especially at a time when the nation’s health is being given a failing grade. 
So next time you have some free time, get to one of these areas and take in a breath of fresh air. Your body and mind will thank you for it.

Barbados Advocate

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