EDITORIAL: Good mothers to be celebrated

THIS being the month of May, which has been designated as Child Month, the focus is on the young ones and the care and treatment they should be getting. Mother’s Day is also celebrated in this special month. How fitting!

Mothers are the nurturers of the earth. Indeed, they are the ones who give birth. While we would in no way want to cry down fathers, we must acknowledge the matriarchal nature of our societies here in the Caribbean. There are numerous women who have raised their children, sons included, single-handedly, into good, productive citizens. So we should try to understand the hype that surrounds Mother’s Day, though we acknowledge that fathers also should have their day in the spotlight as children need both parents in order to have better outcomes.
With all that has been going on in Barbados in relation to children of late, it needs to be said that we as a country need to celebrate the good mothers that we have. It can be said that whilst there are some mothers who look out for their children at all costs, there are other women by comparison who act as incubators for nine months and nothing more. A good mother would go out on a limb to protect the children she has given birth to and their interest is always her priority. 
However, we all know that there are some mothers in Barbados who neglect their children and some who turn a blind eye to abuse. There are some who even abuse their children verbally and physically. There are some young mothers who are more concerned with partying, dressing up and having a good time and their children take second place to their social activities. There are mothers who place the men in their lives above their children, to the detriment of these children. Some mothers think they are doing a good job if they can give their children the world, not realising that material goods alone can never replace the affection and the interaction our children crave. We acknowledge that some mothers need some help with parenting. We do not wish to cry down these women, but it must be said that mothering is about being self-less, giving of your last – several times over and over, being dependable, as well as approachable.
The greatest gift a mother can give her child is that of unconditional love. Mothers who truly love their offspring will seek to raise them in the best way possible and yes, this includes disciplining them as well. You also have to have Almighty God factoring in somewhere in the mothering equation, if you are to pass on good moral values and wise counsel.
That being said, mothers should be celebrated, since they are the ones who bring forth both male and female offspring, nurture that offspring, care for households and uplift society in general. Mothers can put on different hats as required and become business leaders and managers as the need arises and steer organisations in the direction of success. Mothers care for sick children by night and still rise to fulfil their duties in the world of work by day. These wonderful women who have the title of “mother”, often serve as the glue that keeps things together, fulfilling many different, yet vital roles that keep the wheels of society turning.
And so, ahead of Mother’s Day on Sunday, we say an extra special “Thank You” to all mothers who go or have gone the extra mile to ensure that they raise or have raised their children in a way that can bring a smile to their face and that of others in the country. We tip our hats to you.

Barbados Advocate

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