Towards a more progressive education system

Countless educators especially have over the years proffered suggestions on how to improve the perceived shortcomings in the system, but so far, no significant changes have been made to the exam.

There are others areas of concern within the system which should be examined if children at both the primary and secondary levels are to reap maximum benefits of their time spent at school.

The school system should be designed to prepare children mentally and academically for a future which they themselves create. However, it would appear that more still more needs to be done for those who are having trouble coping, especially as teachers consistently strive towards excellence. Those students with higher aptitudes also need to be monitored carefully to ensure that they are coping adequately with the volume of work. By pushing our students past their individual limits, there is the potential to unintentionally set children up for failure.

Highly trained and skilled teachers in the system will minimise this. Such professionals will understand that school projects should therefore not exceed their pupils’ current capabilities by such an extent that they are unable to complete the assigned tasks.The concept of parent
participation is the norm worldwide, but one hears examples of children at reception level having to design and make kites, or papier mache animals for grading at school. There are very few children at this level with the understanding, notwithstanding the patience required for these very technical tasks. Their parents then, wanting their children to do well and not to be embarrassed in front of their peers, take up the tasks on their behalf. This would seem to be counter productive.

Usually, in this situation, the children have not benefited, since they might not even have assisted in the preparatory work. If this keeps happening at each stage of their development, what type of work can they be expected to produce when they finally have to do it on their own? Further, what kind of men and women will they become?

Undoubtedly, enhancements will continue to be made to the existing education system as officials establish and review the ultimate goals. The basis of a truly progressive and meaningful education system must be for children to develop analytical skills, and learn how to think for themselves. In doing this, no target will be insurmountable and no obstacle permanent.

The skills acquired at school should not only make a child smarter, but also equip him/her with materials needed to build character and self-worth. With this as the final goal, no achievement will ever be out of reach.

Barbados Advocate

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